
SuperSwayless Dampening-Device forQuietLinkII

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  • Availability:In stock
  • Guarantee:24 months
  • Code:01840019
  • Product code:420000062
  • EAN:01840019
  • valecky.jpg
  • vodici-valecky-vykres.png
  • valecky.jpg
  • vodici-valecky-vykres.png
Product description
Product description
Super Swayless Dampening Device compensating chain roller guide system for high speed applications.
For elevator speeds above 350 ft/min and up to 490 ft/min (1.75 m/s to 3.5 m/s), a roller guide system must be used with the QuietLink II compensating chain to dampen chain oscillations and prevent its swaying while driving the cab. The purpose of the guide rollers is to maintain the natural diameter of the loop and prevent any wobble of the compensating chain as the cabin moves. Polyurethane also helps dampen any vibrations that may be caused by sudden stops and starts or air movement in the elevator shaft.
Guide rollers are used in pairs, so it is necessary to order two sets of rollers.